Parking Garage Signs

Victoria Hospital Parking Garage
Outdoor Directional Signage
Project Overview:
To manufacture and install hanging and wall-mounted way-finding signage in an outdoor parking garage that would withstand constant exposure to the elements.
Due to weather damage, the original signage had to be removed and we were challenged with very specific problems to overcome: The initial height specification for hanging signage created a swing effect that was a hazard, and wall signs that conformed to round concrete pillars had to be secured without visible fasteners.
To meet architectural specifications, an engineered solution to seamlessly attach signs disguising the installation hardware was devised. Cement columns were covered with thin aluminum signage that would conform to the cylindrical shape and allow installation with hidden studs. For the hanging signage, we reduced the height-to- ceiling ratio to lessen the swing effect caused by the wind. All of the newly installed signage (illuminated projectional signage, hanging and informational signage) was constructed using substrates that would withstand exposure to weather.
Project Details:
Location: Victoria Hospital Parking Garage, London, Ontario
Scope of Project:
- Engineering
- Fabrication
- Installation
- Vinyl lettering
- Raised lettering
- Hidden fasteners
- Exterior Signs
- Lightbox Signs
- Directional Signs
- Outdoor signage
- Hanging signage
- Illuminated signage
- Informational signage
- Parking signs